Monitoring of social acceptance of wind energy Projects The working Group discussed possible targets, aims and methods of monitoring social acceptance of wind energy Projects over time in different countries.
While there are general survey systems in many countries, it would be interesting to have easily collectable "lead indicators" to compare acceptance developments in various countries or to monitor the success of public activities in the domain of social acceptance. As a result of the discussion, IEA Wind Task 28 intends to present a possible approach for interested authorities or instiutions to work on a set of such indicators.
The role of positive intermediaries
Many countries know some sort of agents that mediate between the parties in a wind power planning process. Such agents can take on various forms and characteristics.
The working group intends to dedicate some of the meetings on this issue to draw issues learned and to find sort of a "role description" for possible further agents.
National expert meetings As they met with quite a success in the first period from 2008 to 2011, the working group decided to continue the "national expert Meetings" also in the following period. Encounters took place in Japan, in Italy, in UK and Berlin (see