IEA Wind, Task 28

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Task 28, Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects Task28



The mission of the IEA Wind Implementing Agreement is to stimulate co-operation on wind energy research and development and to provide high quality information and analysis to member governments and commercial sector leaders by addressing technology development and deployment and its benefits, markets, and policy instruments.

Sometimes referred to as "soft issues" to differentiate them from technology aspects, environmental and societal issues have become pivotal to the deployment of wind energy in many countries. Even where the economics of wind energy are favorable, deployment can only occur when the public and the planning authorities accept the technology. This requires an appreciation of the benefits of wind energy that weigh against any local visual and environmental effects. The evaluation of this balance is often complicated by is subjective nature and by the circulation of misinformation. The IEA Wind Implementing Agreement will take steps to assess the value of ongoing collaborative activities against strong national variations in policies and processes.

National expert meetings

Task 28 discovered national expert meetings as an important tool to disseminate its findings on social acceptacne of wind energy projects. The meeting shall enable experts in the field of wind power acceptance to exchange on the issue and to link participants for future projects.

In the last two years, IEA Wind Task 28 organized three national expert meetings in Europe:

Publications of IEA Wind Task 28

Discover some of the articles written by IEA Wind Task 28 bringing together research and practice in the section Dissemination, amongst other the annual reports and "Recommended Practices on social acceptance of wind energy Projects".

Contact Operating Agent

Markus Geissman
Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Wind Energy Section
Mühlestrasse 4
3063 Ittigen, Switzerland
+41 (0)31 322 56 11

Stefanie Huber
ENCO Energie-Consulting AG
Munzachstrasse 4
4410 Liestal, Switzerland
+41 (0)65 965 99 00


The Task "Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects", of the Implementing Agreement for Co-operation in the Research, Development, and Deployment of Wind Energy Systems (IEA Wind) functions within a framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Views, findings and publications of the Task "Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects" do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or of all its individual member countries.